Benjamin Becker | Guest Writer

Growing up in an environment where building your ideas was encouraged made my interest in rapid fabrication technologies seem natural. This early interest proprelled me into gaining an understanding of all things mechanical by pursuing a BSME in Mechanical Engineering. Upon graduating, alternative energy technologies grabbed my attention and construction of a vertical axis wind turbine began. A few weeks into the wind turbine project, I realized my understanding of electrical systems was lacking. I thought that the best way of learning was by doing, so a side project of building data logging and instrumentation electronics to interface to the wind turbine began.

Some other areas of experience (not to be confused with expertise!) include mechanical and plumbing system design, as well as development of electro-mechanical dispensing products. Exposure to those areas have lead me to gain an understanding of designing components for manufacture, which includes the ceramic manufacturing process.

After working in the industry for a number of years and having real-world engineering experience under my belt, I founded HotEnd Works, LLC. Our current focus is on providing engineering-grade 3d printed ceramic components to provide a means of bridging the gap between traditional ceramics manufacturing and current thermoplastic rapid prototying processes.


Articles by Benjamin Becker:

Design Guide: how to optimize technical ceramic prototypes using 3D printing 

by Benjamin Becker | Mar.11, 2013 -  The following design tips are intended to aid to engineers and designers to optimize technical ceramic prototypes using 3D printing. More 

Breaking the Mold Part II - Design Constraint Considerations

by Benjamin Becker | Jan.14, 2013 -   Today's current 3D printed ceramics have several factors which can limit the design of ceramic components. Some of the typical constraints of 3D printed ceramics are: More

Breaking the Mold – Ceramic 3D Printing Overview (Part I) 

by Benjamin Becker | Dec.12, 2012 -  Traditional manufacture of ceramics is a process that has long lead times, typically in excess of 8 to 12 weeks. When using traditional manufacturing methods in fabrication of ceramics, complex geometries such as a hollow sphere are impossible... More 

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